Central Region

Mona's Quilt and Jam shop

Joe Batt's Arm, Fogo Island

May 1 - Oct 17

An old saltbox house filled with handmade crafts, jams, and antiques. Situated in the beautiful Joe Batt's Arm on the north side of Fogo Island. In her family home dating back to the early 1900's, it is the perfect showcase for all of Mona's handmade quilts, mats, and knitted goods. As well as a complete pantry stocked with jams. bottled meats, and homemade chocolates. The jam and bottled meats are all cultivated on Fogo Island and contain no preservatives of any kind.


Location & Dates

75 Main Street, Joe Batt's Arm, Fogo Island
49.720242, -54.162474
May 1 - Oct 17


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