A green road sign against a clear blue sky and trees, displaying distances to Cobb's Arm (7 km), Pikes Arm (11 km), and Toogood Arm (12 km).
Travel Within NL
Driving Distances

Newfoundland and Labrador is a big place. With over 29,000 kilometres of rugged coastline, there’s plenty of room to find yourself – or lose yourself for that matter. But when you have a specific destination in mind, you need to know how to get there and how long it will likely take. The tables below show driving distances (km) and travel times on the island of Newfoundland and in Labrador. To calculate travel times and distances between destinations that are not listed below, use the Road Distance Database provided by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Island of Newfoundland

DestinationRouteApproximate Driving TimeApproximate Driving Distance
Port-aux-Basques to St. John’sRoute 19h 20min902km
Port-aux-Basques to ArgentiaRoute 101 and Route 19h861km
Port aux Basques – Deer LakeRoute 12h 50min265km
Deer Lake to St. AnthonyRoute 4305h418km
Deer Lake to St. John'sRoute 17h640km
Grand Falls-Windsor to St. John'sRoute 14h 45min423km
Gander to St. John'sRoute 13h 45min335km
Clarenville to St. John'sRoute 12h185km
St. Anthony to St. John'sRoute 112h1050km
Argentia to St. John’sRoute 101 and Route 11h 31min86km


DestinationRouteApproximate Driving TimeApproximate Driving Distance
Wabush - Blanc Sablon (Quebec)Route 500 & 51019h 14min1125km
Wabush - Churchill FallsRoute 5004h 17min243km
Churchill Falls - Happy Valley Goose BayRoute 5105h288km
Happy Valley-Goose Bay - Cartwright JunctionRoute 500 & 5105h298 km
Cartwright Junction - Charlottetown JunctionRoute 5101h 42min83km
Charlottetown Junction - Port Hope SimpsonRoute 51018min21 km
Port Hope Simpson - St. Lewis JunctionRoute 51020min21km
St. Lewis Junction - Mary's HarbourRoute 51033min32km
Mary's Harbour - Red BayRoute 5101h 20min85km
Red Bay - Blanc Sablon (Quebec)Route 5101h 20min86km
Blanc Sablon (Quebec) - St. BarbeFerry90min35km

Road Conditions / 511 Traveller Information System

NL 511 is your source of up-to-date information on winter driving conditions, construction and major incidents, highway cameras, ferry status, and more. Travellers can access 511 by using the free smartphone app (AppleGoogle Play), visiting the website NL511.ca, or dialing 5-1-1 to hear key information over the phone.

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