Avalon Region

The Old Carbonear Post Office


Jul 2 - Oct 31

Old Carbonear Post Office is a two-storey building with a central clock tower designed in the Second Empire style. It is a good example of an early twentieth-century government building. This Post Office replaced the one that burned down in 1904. It was designated a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador in 1988 for its aesthetic and historic value. It is the home of the Carbonear Heritage Society and their various artifacts.


Location & Dates

182 Water Street, Carbonear
47.738951, -53.228235
Jul 2 - Oct 31


Adult $5, family $15 for all three buildings (Rorke Store Museum, Carbonear Railway Station and Old Post Office Museum).Contact this operator directly for information on their accepted electronic payment options.


20 - 40 persons