Coastal scene with colorful wooden houses lining the water's edge under a partly cloudy sky. The foreground features calm water, while lush green trees cover a hill in the background.
Welcome to
A location pin marks a spot on an abstract map shape, which is beige against a black background.

A town with a history that’s as colourful as its name.



Baccalieu Coastal Drive

Baccalieu Coastal Drive

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Around here, when you hit the open road there's a good chance you'll pass a few road signs; their arrows pointing the way toward place names that may seem a little puzzling. Places like Charlottetown and Brooklyn may have you wondering if you've inadvertently crossed a border. Others may provoke a wide smile; especially stops like Spread Eagle, Tickle Harbour, Nicky's Nose Cove and, of course, Dildo.

Nestled in Trinity Bay and only an hour west of the capital of St. John's, this picturesque town has always been a go-to destination for visitors to these shores. There's no shortage of people wanting their picture with the Welcome to Dildo sign or with the wooden statue of the town's mascot: Captain Dildo. It's hard to say who is more famous, the good captain or Jimmy Kimmel – American late-night talk show host and also Dildo's honourary mayor. He declared Dildo to be the sister city of Hollywood, even going so far as to erect the iconic Hollywood-style sign that now looks over the town. Once you've taken a selfie or two though, you'll see that his historic village has much more to offer than just a quirky name.

A hill covered with dense trees displays a large sign that reads "DILDO," resembling the Hollywood sign. The background shows a body of water and more wooded landscape under a cloudy sky.

You'll have no trouble filling a day or two in Dildo. A town built on fishing and whaling, you can feel the history when you stand amongst the stages, wharves and historic fishing premises that populate this rugged coastline. Here you can take in incredible views of Trinity Bay and all the waters have to offer. Keep an eye out and you may spot whales and dolphins. As for icebergs, there's no way you can miss these frozen giants. To get a closer look, you can sign on with any of Dildo's boat tour operators with crafts ranging from 42' cabin cruisers to the traditional wooden fishing boat, known around here as a punt. Some tours offer cod fishing experiences or scallop catching, where you can harvest your dinner, straight from the sea.
 You've only just whetted your appetite, though. Upon returning to shore you'll want to take in a local meal and the area has a considerable number of options. A craft brewery offers waterfront dining and there are several pub-style eateries to be found. Or perhaps a mid-afternoon coffee shop stop is more your speed. Many venues offer patio service and live local entertainment.
 A place like this begs for an extended visit and there are plenty of places to rest your head, with plenty of history too. Heritage homes offer the warmth of 100-year-old wooden structures overlooking the bay. Or you can rent a room in a waterfront inn that was once a thriving boatyard. Where seafaring craft were once built, you can catch your breath before continuing your adventure on this wondrous coastline. And there's lots more to see!

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A serene lakeside scene with colorful small huts in red, yellow, and blue, lined up alongside a red van. A wooden gazebo is on the right, all reflected in the calm water in the foreground, with mountains in the background.
Experience the
Baccalieu Coastal Drive

You'll soon realize that Dildo is just one of many highlights on the Baccalieu Coastal Drive. This is an area steeped in history and a coastline dotted with vibrant communities to explore; communities with characters as colourful as their names. From Red Head Cove to Harbour Grace, Carbonear and Bay Roberts, there's lots to see and even more to do.
 Surrounding Dildo are picturesque towns like Green's Harbour, Whiteway, and the romantic outports of Heart’s Desire, Heart’s Delight, and Heart's Content where you can visit the site of the first transatlantic telegraph cable, now a Provincial Historic Site. The equipment in this historic facility sent and received lifesaving messages in a land ruled by the sea.
 Traveling north to the town of Winterton, you can take in the Boat Building Museum of Newfoundland and Labrador. Roll up your sleeves and learn how to build a traditional dory or punt, with knowledge passed down over generations.
 In Carbonear you'll find the historic Rorke Stores fishing premises and beautiful views of historic Carbonear Island where a ragtag group of fishermen successfully held off the French army in 1762.
 Beautiful Dildo provides an excellent base from which to enjoy these sites and more; everything the Baccalieu Coastal Drive has to offer.

Getting to Dildo

Dildo is a mere 100 kilometres from St. John's and 63 kilometres from the Argentia ferry service that runs from North Sydney, Nova Scotia. You'll travel 14 kilometres off the Trans-Canada Highway on Route 8, treating yourself to a beautiful drive through scenic stretches of forest and along the gorgeous coastline of Trinity Bay.
 The hardest part about getting here, though, is not stopping for a selfie at every Dildo road sign.

More on Getting to Newfoundland & Labrador

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The View From Here

A scenic coastal village with small boats docked by the shore. Lush green hills rise in the background, with houses nestled among the foliage. A sign similar to "Hollywood" reading "Dildo" is visible on the hilltop. Cloudy sky overhead.
A colorful house with blue, red, and pink accents stands on a green lawn. Four yellow Adirondack chairs and two small tables are positioned in front of the house. A blue sky with a few clouds and pine trees are in the background.
A person wearing a blue and gray Dildo Brewing Co. shirt stands in front of a wooden entrance labeled "Dildo Brewing Co." The door is open, revealing brewing equipment inside.
An elderly artist wearing a straw hat and paint-splattered apron stands beside a colorful landscape painting on an easel. The artwork depicts boats and houses by a waterfront. The scene is set on a sunny day by a lake with lush green surroundings.
A wooden statue of a bearded figure in a yellow raincoat, labeled "CAPT. DILDO", stands in front of a scenic harbor filled with boats. A village and lush green hills are visible in the background under a partly cloudy sky.

There’s No Place Like Dildo

James Cook was many things. Explorer, navigator, cartographer, and a captain in the British Royal Navy. Around here, he would also have been known as a hard case. In 1763, he was appointed marine surveyor of Newfoundland and Labrador and he and his assistant Michael Lane recorded coves, inlets, and points of land that may never have been mapped out before. They relished the opportunity to name them… and amuse each other. From them we gained Tickle Bay, Cuckolds Cove, and Witless Bay. Famish Gut and Pinchgut Point lay at locations where rations ran low. Blow Me Down was named after they sailed through sea squalls. And a hand injury led to the naming of Unfortunate Point. And while these monikers might all be choice gems, they haven’t got a patch on a small outport in Trinity Bay. There certainly is no place like Dildo.

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A photo of a rocky coastal landscape with the text "God Love Your Cotton Socks Newfoundland" on the cover of a book. Next to it is a quote from Lorraine Healy: "From the first day, the people of Newfoundland made us feel like part of them….
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