A humpback whale breaches the ocean's surface, creating a splash with its massive body against the backdrop of a calm sea and a pinkish sunset sky. The whale's white underbelly and pectoral fins are prominently visible.
Whale Watching

They pass through here every year, ten thousand of them.

Ways to Watch

Ways to Watch

Whale Species

Whale Species

Icebergs, Whales & Birds – The Triple Play!

Icebergs, Whales & Birds – The Triple Play!

Plan & Book

Plan & Book

Newfoundland and Labrador is one of the most spectacular whale watching places on Earth. The world's largest population of humpback whales returns each year between May and September, and you can see them feed, frolic, and even breach near our shores. Catching a single glimpse of these majestic mammals is a memorable experience, whether it's from the deck of a tour boat, the side of your sea kayak, or a seaside trail.

But don’t just take our word for it. Take a closer look with Seamus and see for yourself.

A group of people on a boat watch a whale swimming near the surface of the ocean. The backdrop features rocky cliffs and choppy water, creating a scenic view of nature and wildlife.
Ways to Watch
A teal tour boat named "Kingfisher" cruises through blue waters near a forested coastline. Several passengers in red life jackets are onboard, enjoying the scenic ride. The boat is operated by O'Brien's Boat Tours.


What better way to see a whale than to meet one – or more – at sea? Our boat tour operators allow you to do just that, and they know exactly where to find them. It's not uncommon for a whale or porpoise to investigate a visiting boat. Sometimes, you can look over the railing and see one – many metres in length – swimming gracefully under your vessel.

Two people in kayaks paddle on a foggy body of water. A large whale surfaces nearby, creating ripples in the water. The kayakers are observing the whale with interest.

Sea Kayak

A sea kayak tour offers an up-close and intimate experience. Our ocean kayaking operators will take you as close as safely possible to whales, caves, inlets and, if the timing is just right, you might see icebergs as well.

A whale breaches the water in a lively display, with a forested shoreline visible in the background under a clear sky.


If you haven’t found your sea legs, you can spot whales while hiking or walking along seaside trails, rugged cliffs, and sandy beaches. Look out from a cliff-side peak and see the tails of humpbacks splashing in the sea. Or picnic alongside the ocean and get a fine view of whales and porpoises swimming nearby – no binoculars needed.
 Whales can be seen in all bays along the coastline. Some spectacular viewing sites are Signal Hill, Cape Spear, Trinity, Cape Bonavista, Twillingate, White Bay, Strait of Belle Isle, St. Vincent's, Cape St. Mary's, Cape Race, Witless Bay, and St. Anthony.

Visit Our Hot Spots

A whale breaches the ocean surface, its gray and white body glistening with water droplets. The massive creature's pectoral fins are spread wide as it emerges against a blurred seascape background.
Whale Species
A large whale swims gracefully in the ocean, surrounded by a blue, tranquil underwater environment. The whale's white underbelly is visible as it glides through the water.


The world's largest population of feeding humpback whales is found here. Migrating from the Caribbean, they spend from April to October in the waters off Newfoundland and Labrador. They are often seen "breaching" or jumping out of the water and crashing into the waves.

A minke whale surfaces in a calm body of water with a rocky, forested shoreline in the background. The whale's sleek, dark back and dorsal fin are visible.


Common in the bays of Newfoundland and Labrador, this is the smallest baleen whale. Unlike other whales, the minke's tail does not show when it dives to feed on capelin, mackerel or herring, and it will spend very little time on the surface before swimming deep under water for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. You'll see these whales in summer and early fall.

A pod of dolphins swims near the ocean surface, their dorsal fins visible above the water. In the background, a coastline with hills is visible under a cloudy sky.

Pothead (Pilot)

Named for its thick pot-shaped head, these small toothed whales often travel in large groups of up to 100. They love to feed on squid and fish during summer and early fall.

A large whale surfaces in the ocean, spouting water into the air. The calm, blue sea stretches into the horizon, with a faint outline of land visible under a cloudy sky.


This large baleen is the second largest of the whales. They travel further offshore than the humpbacks and minkes. And they can travel in packs of up to eight.

A sleek, dark whale's back breaks the ocean surface under a clear sky, with gentle waves surrounding it.


The largest of the toothed whales, the sperm, has a wrinkled body that is dark brown or grey in colour. A blowhole in the shape of the letter "S" sits on the left side of its head, producing a bushy spout that extends beyond its front.

Close-up of a whale's head, focusing on its eye and the pleats on its throat. The skin is smooth and appears bluish-gray, with a serene expression. The background is a blurred oceanic scene.


The blue whale is the largest mammal that has ever lived on earth – a whopping 21 to 28 metres long. This baleen whale is most abundant on the southwest coast of Newfoundland, especially during the winter months.

A large orca leaps out of the water in a majestic display, with a backdrop of calm blue sea and distant forested shoreline under a clear sky.

Orca (Killer Whale)

This well-known toothed whale can be seen off of Newfoundland and Labrador in the summer months. Look out for a stout, glossy, black and white body – and a big set of teeth.

A dolphin's dorsal fin and back emerge from the ocean surface, surrounded by splashing water. The dolphin is moving through the blue sea, creating waves and bubbles.

White-beaked Dolphin

These dolphins have a dark grey body, a short white nose, white patches in front of and behind its dorsal fin, and light grey and white patches across its back.

Two dolphins are leaping out of the water in unison. The ocean is a vibrant blue, and the dolphins appear sleek and graceful as they glide through the air.

White-sided Dolphin

These "squid jumpers" or "jumpers", as they are locally known, have black or dark grey backs, a light grey patch running their backs, and white bellies. Behind and below their dorsal fins are two yellow- or beige-coloured ovals.

Harbour Porpoise

This small porpoise is dark grey in colour with a white speckled underside. They travel in groups up to five and are known locally as "puffin pigs" for the grunting sound they make when they blow.

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A whale surfaces near a rocky coastline, with a spout of water shooting into the air. A large iceberg floats nearby, and two small houses are visible on the right against the hilly landscape.
Icebergs, Whales & Birds – The Triple Play!

We’re one of the few places in the world to receive simultaneous visits from whales, seabirds, and icebergs. As the whales and birds migrate north and the icebergs sail south, there’s a chance to experience all three of these wonderful sights in one trip. Like so much in nature, there are many factors that vary from year to year, but with luck you’ll witness this exciting spectacle.
 View or download our Whales, Seabirds & Icebergs map.

The View From Here

Two whales breaching in the ocean with rugged cliffs in the background under a cloudy sky.
A whale swimming in the ocean, with its flipper raised above the water's surface, creating a splash. The sea is a deep blue, and the scene captures the dynamic movement of the water around the whale.
A whale's tail gracefully emerges from the water, creating a small splash in a calm body of water surrounded by a tree-lined shore in the distance.
A group of orcas swim together in calm ocean waters, with their dorsal fins and distinctive black-and-white coloring visible above the surface.
Humpback whale tail above the ocean surface with water cascading off its fluke, set against a hazy yellow sky.
A person in a yellow kayak paddles near a large whale surfacing in calm ocean waters. The kayaker wears a red jacket and beige cap, observing the whale from close proximity. The scene is peaceful and misty.
A whale breaches the ocean surface, creating a splash against a backdrop of forested hills and a hazy sky.
A group of people on a boat photograph a whale's tail fin as it dives into the sea near a rocky coastline under a clear blue sky.
A whale breaches the ocean surface at sunset, with water droplets glistening in the golden light. The sun casts a warm glow over the scene, highlighting the whale's powerful form against a backdrop of distant hills.
A whale breaching the surface of the ocean, showing its head and upper body against a foggy, overcast sky. The backdrop features distant, blurred mountains and scattered birds flying in the sky.

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Cover of "Spirit of the Rock" shows dramatic cliffs under a colorful sky. Next to it is a quote about humpback whales by Cathy Astoflo, with a profile image.
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